Thursday, July 12, 2007

Video clips, video clips, and OMG more video clips

Birthday Bike 3
Birthday Bike 2
Birthday Bike 1
Happy Birthday, Poppy
The sleeping game with Uncle Mike
Julia at ten months
She'd rather crawl
Grab her hair
Grace writes Ellen
Grace writes Grace
Julia at nine months
Big sister ant bite girl
Julia at eight months
Julia crawls, II
Julia crawls, I
Here she comes, Julia gets mobile
She's stuck
Julia at seven months
Michigan Cheerleaders
Jingle Bells, Aunt Betsy version
Jingle Bells, mommy version
Julia jabbering
Grace of the North
Julia at six months, II
Julia at six months, I
Miss Lucy
Julia at five months
Rolling, rolling, rolling
Julia at four months
Double Jack Hammer
Dance Moves
Girl Talk
Julia at three months
Happy Birthday, Aunt Quentin
Julia in Minnesota
Queen of the mountain, Frye Island
I don't like shopping
Julia at two months
She shoots, she scores
Smiley Julia
Big sister holds her baby
Julia at one month
Grace meets Julia for the first time
Grace, crazy astronaut
Just like Baby Anne
On the beach with daddy
Twinkle, twinkle little stars (with helmut)
A master after one day
Have tricycle, will ride
Happy Christmas Tree, 2006
Halloween 2006, part II (Ellen waddles at 12 weeks pregnant)
Halloween 2006, part I
My most elegant angle
Hiking the AT
Dragon II
Dragon I
Running with Wyatt
Playing with Grammy
Bath in the sink
House Tour
Easter Egg Hunt
At the carwash
Dolly don't dance
Old MacDonald had a farm
At the playground, cool mullet
Zoo with Grammy
Mama's Shoes
Finger Paints
Circle dance
Yes, I actually said something was "funner"
Christmas Greetings, 2005
Bath time
Grace and Kanye West
Wakey Wakey, baby