In addition, I thought I would post my Top Ten Reasons for Living Here:
10. A Network for Revitalization. We know that revitalizing this neighborhood is a priority for the city of Macon. There are multiple organizations working hard to ensure that this neighborhood is a success. These include the Landbank Trust, the Housing Authority, Mercer University, Historic Macon Foundation, the Knight Foundation, and Centenary United Methodist Church (to name a few).
9. Mercer Functions. From plays to concerts to basketball games, we have only a short walk to take advantage of the many programs that Mercer offers. We have listened to concert pianists and choirs at no cost (talk about a cheap date).
8. Tatnall Park. Two and a half blocks from our house is the second largest city park in Macon. I take the girls there regularly. Being able to walk to the park is a huge benefit.
7. The Money. As an incentive to buy in the neighborhood Mercer gave us a forgivable second mortgage for 15 grand. Each year three thousand of that is forgiven. In addition, the state of Georgia provides a five thousand dollar tax rebate for living in a rehabilitated historic property, and our taxes are frozen at historic levels for nine years.
6. Schools. Two blocks from our house is the top rated elementary school in Bibb County. Alexander II is a Math and Science Magnet school (though it scores at the top of the charts for all disciplines). Because we live in this neighborhood we are given preference for Grace to attend Alex II. We couldn't hope for a better elementary school education for her.
5. Community. From the moment we took possession of this house, people in the community reached out to us. On countless occasions people in and out of the neighborhood have expressed their appreciation for our commitment to living here. We know all of our neighbors. We talk to them on a daily basis, and we look out for eachother. Not since I lived in the UP have I had such a sense of community.
4. Living our Values. Prior to living in this house Craig and I often dreamed of living in a neighborhood with diversity (in both color and class). It's important for us to raise our children with a sense of the haves and have nots. Our neighborhood provides daily teachable moments on these topics, and we do feel as though we are living our values.
3. Location. Given what I have posted some people may find this reason a little crazy, but it's true. Location is a great asset for our family. It takes Craig seven minutes to walk from our front door to his office. He comes home for lunch nearly every day. With work so close, we have been able to sell our second car.
2. The house. I may never again live in a house with this much character. We have the old charm of 11 foot ceilings and heart of pine floors, BUT the house has been completely rehabed. This means things like the 7 foot windows in the front room are brand new, and so is the heating/cooling, plumbing and electric. We could not have afforded this house in any other neighborhood. A different location would easily add 50,000 to the price tag.
1. Each of the reasons above contributes to our success and happiness as a family. With two small children I can't think of a better place to be. Craig is so close that I never feel isolated, and our cost of living is so low that I am able to be at home with the girls. Staying home makes our lives run smoothly. In short, it contributes to a general sense of well being and happiness. For someone who battles depression, I can't think of a better number one.
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