Hello all, Craig here posting another piece of Grace artwork. This drawing is of interest because it represents a gorilla. For those who don't know, I had an extremely fond affection for gorillas as a young lad. In fact, I was so fond of them that I begged and pleaded with my mom for a stuffed animal gorilla. This story has become a bit of Byron family lore. Another bit of family lore that relates to this drawing pertains to the round objects drawn between the gorilla's legs. No these are not gonads (to use a neutral anatomical term) but rather the animals buttocks (again, another neutral anatomical term). When I was hospitalized for an infection caused by stepping on a toothpick and having it break off into my foot, I had a similar illustrative epiphany. Those in the know might remember the buttocks I drew onto my Bert (Sesame Street) doll. The doll still exists at my parents house, and Grace has seen it. Although I think the anatomically correct modifications I made as a 6 year-old will make a little more sense to her now.
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