Thursday, November 29, 2007

Technically Disadvantaged

Though I promised to upload Julia’s 6 month-old video today, I did not. My efforts have been severely limited by not having access to a computer.

We are all continuing to do well. Julia had a very rough night with her teeth. However, today she seems to be doing much better and I anticipate an easier night of sleep for her. Grace is excited because her Grandpa came home from Flint today and now she has a new playmate. We shelled a bag full of Macon Pecans and the weather keeps us cold and frigid while outdoors.

Well, I need to get some rest before the potentially long night. Tomorrow marks the end of my month-long endeavor to blog everyday in November (NaBloPoMo). I will wait until tomorrow to say anything more meaningful.


kbyron said...

You have done a marvelous job
on your blog. Enjoyed hearing
about the girls and the family.
Do write about Grace's reaction
to snow...sure it will be great.
Yes, we are hoping Dan gets
home safe and sound and looking
forward to hearing about his adventures.
Thank you for setting up his blog.
Billy has had pnuemonia and bronchitis and so I have been with
him in N.Vernon..he is on the mend.
I will be in Chicago with Mary
Carol on Dec. 8 to go on the
Polar Express TRain Ride with
Laura Rose & family.
I admire you. You are a very
talented person..loved your blog.
God bless you. Love always,
Aunt kathy