Friday, November 2, 2007

What? You mean she's not a pain in the neck, she's just sick.

Yep, that's right, all bad behavior needs to be re-examined in the light of new evidence. Just about a week ago Grace started having night time accidents. This was a bit disconcerting, but not nearly as much as the daytime accidents that began soon after. Craig and I wracked our brains, what the heck was going on? Was this behavioral? We went so far as to take away some of Grace's toys to induce peeing on the potty. This was only mildly successful.

At one point, I whined to my mom about the situation, and she suggested that perhaps Grace had a UTI. I dismissed this because Grace exhibited no other symptoms (note to self, your mother does actually know best). Regardless, yesterday Grace had a record four accidents, and I quickly surmised that SOMETHING VERY WRONG was happening. Last night, we decided that a trip to the pediatrician in the morning was in order. As if we needed any additional evidence, she slept in until 8:00 am. This event, in and of itself, would have been enough to send me running to the doctor. To my knowledge, she has never slept that long! But I digress. We met with Dr. Kallay this afternoon, and sure enough her urine was full of puss and blood. Oh great, let's just nominate me for the most clueless parent of the week. Antiobiotics in hand, she will be on the mend soon.