Forgive me, dear husband, but I wrote this post out a few weeks ago and then hesitated. Now I'm running late, and this material is ready and available.
1. You haven’t been to the movies in two years.
2. Your last real date was a trip to Barnes and Noble where you drank decaf coffee and perused books in separate sections.
3. You wear wool socks to bed.
4. You earnestly believe that sleep really is better.
5. Your underwear looks like your mothers (purchased in a four pack).
6. You talk about your children’s potty habits over dinner.
7. You discuss your relationship with your spouse while one of you is in the bathroom.
8. [removed after review from the editorial staff]
I'm laughing hysterically because it could have been me that posted that. Ah, what can you do? Young children can have that effect on the romance department :).
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