Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One year and counting

Since it's been nearly three years since I have had a one year old, there are a few things I forgot about this age. First, one-year-olds, with their burgeoning personalities, start to exhibit some not-so-great characteristics, like a bad mood in the morning. I wonder where she gets that from? And two, one-year-olds start to dream more frequently and with greater intensity which means Craig or I or both of us are awakened to a screaming and/or chattering baby in the middle of the night (which contributes to the overall freaking tired state around here).

It's a good thing that kid is so cute that I want to eat her.

Spaghetti, anyone?


Sydney said...

I remember that age so well! The little personality starts to show so much more. I also remember that frequently exhausted state. Hang in there!

The Daniels 6 said...

I love serving spaghetti for this very reason. Sadly, however, not so cute on a six year old. :) You have yourself quite a cutie!