Sunday, August 17, 2008


During our three week sojourn to the North I had many an occasion to talk with people who actually read this blog. One would think that I would be thrilled to receive live feedback for my blathering, and instead I had the oddest reaction. I wanted to avert my eyes and pretend that I had no idea what they were speaking about. Afterwards, while smacking my head with my hand, I wondered, "what the hell is wrong with you? You write about exposing your boob in a supermarket, but you can't acknowledge that someone in real life might actually read your words and react to them?" By and large people were complimentary of my posts, and I still couldn't help but feel embarrassed. I wanted to say "how do you know that?" or "have you been reading my mind?" The answer being, of course, yes, they are reading my mind because I broadcast it for the world to read.

Blogging gives you this false sense of security. Part of you wants the world to know the intricacies of your daily (and often boring) life, as if by giving a voice to the minutia your experience is legitimized. I have often had the thought "I can't wait to blog about this." After three weeks away from blogging and the internet that thought gives me pause. The truth is that people I know and love read this blog. They have reactions to what I write, and I shouldn't pretend otherwise.

Three weeks with extended family is bound to bring out the best and worst in people, myself included, so I'm going to take my time before I write anything about our trip. I don't want to give you the impression that we didn't have a good time. We did, but it's complicated. On the other hand, I will upload my photos soon, so if nothing else you will have images (with or without my words).


Sydney said...

First, WELCOME BACK! I hope you had a great time. I know how complicated family visits can get. I also know what it's like to feel naked. I have family members who read the blog too... sometimes they creep me out a little bit, and I find myself editing what I write. But I still like getting most of my thoughts out!