No. 1 Best Thing About Vacation:
It gives you license to be lazy. I wasn't worried about schedules or appointments. I had time to read (I finished nine books), and I took long walks.
No. 1 Worst Thing About Vacation:
It gives you license to be lazy. I gained SEVEN pounds while we were gone. I couldn't believe it when I stepped on the scale this morning. The worst part about all of this is that shortly before we departed I had managed to shave ten inches from my physique. Now I have to start all over again.
I personally thought you looked great! Thanks for making time to see us - I know how hectic those sorts of trips can be. It was wonderful to catch up a little bit with all of you. Greta, in her own words, "LOVED playing with Grace". She also mentioned that she "wishes Grace could live with us". There may be a few days that you will be willing to take her up on that!
Looking forward to seeing you guys again sooner rather than later,
Ellen, get rid of the scale!!! :) That will solve most of the "problem". :)
Now why hadn't I thought of that. Dreaded scale. I kept checking to see if perhaps it wasn't calibrated correctly. Ughh.
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