We were in a rush to get out the door, as usual. Julia was toddling down the hallway in step with me. I looked down at her, and she smiled and reached her hand out to grab mine. She wanted to hold my hand. There have been many times since she started walking that I have tried to hold her hand, but I was the one who initiated those contacts. And in those cases, I held her hand to help her balance, not to hold it for the sheer joy of holding a loved one's hand. Today we held hands for love, because it feels good.
That was today's good skill.
bad annoying skill was verbal. Julia learned to say "No" with gusto. "No, no, no, no, no" she repeated after I strapped her into her carseat. "No, no, no, no, no" she wailed when I laid her down to sleep. My pliable, happy child has developed an attitude. It was bound to happen sooner than later. She's nearly fifteen months old now. She's due.
I wish I were ready for this. Instead I find myself staring longingly at photos taken nine months ago: a chubby six month old attached to her mother. Another photo of a six month old just learning to sit up on her own. Nine months ago temper tantrum was not in our vocabulary for Julia. Now we're using words like "stinker" or "pistol" to describe her attitude.
What can you do? Take a deep breath. Smile. Relax. This is just the beginning.
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