Monday, August 4, 2008

snail mail

We are still alive! We've been in Michigan for a little over a week, with little or no internet connection. This isn't such a bad thing because we've been altogether too busy to put together a post anyway. The brief highlights include buying Grace's birthday bike. It's a "two-bike" as she likes to call it, and she loves it. She logged 2.5 miles the first day she got it, and she would love nothing more than to ditch Craig and me and head off into the sunset.

Grace has also started to call Craig and me by our first names. This would be cute if we didn't know it was a power play--as if calling us Ellen and Craig puts her on the same footing. Like you all don't know already that she's the boss. We are bit players in her daily drama. You have to love her.

Julia has been diligently taking notes on her sister's behavior. She implements these strategies in new and interesting ways, and Craig and I are beginning to understand that we now have two bosses. While we are having some good family fun, I would be lying if I didn't tell you how much I would like to take a vacation ALONE. Heck if I could go to the bathroom alone, that would feel like a mini-vacation.

We will be out of town for two more weeks and then it's back to the grind in Macon. Funny how vacation with kids makes you miss your life at home.


The Daniels 6 said...

so glad to hear you're having a good time. Tell Marv & Sandra "Hi" from me-thanks

Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey said...

Glad to hear that you guys are really enjoying yourselves! I miss you though! I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever - I feel like we are talking via the posts even though that really isn't the case. Can't wait to see some pictures!


The Jordan Family said...

We miss you guys!

I bet you are not missing this Macon, GA heat! The index has been over 100 for several days, with humidity in the 70% range. miserable.

Cant wait for you to return home. Enjoy this time with your family!

The Jordan Family said...


We are thinking about you today, especially! Hope you get some time to ride your new bike!

We miss you and Julia very much.

Evan & Alex

Sydney said...

Just a note to let you know I miss reading your posts! I hope you are enjoying your time in Michigan, and that you'll be back to posting again soon!