Monday, October 20, 2008

Bear Bike Update

Greetings all,

Boy, the Blog has really evolved into something unique. Since I'm only an infrequent contributor, I feel like each time I login to write a post either the readership has grown or there has been a long gap separating me from my last passage. I wanted to include a link to an article in today's (October 20) Education section of the New York Times.

Mercer's Bearbike program is mentioned as well as a quote from an interview conducted with a Biology Department colleague (who is also Grace's big-time buddy, Allan). The Bearbike program is finally getting a little publicity. Unfortunately we are not sustainable yet since we don't have a team of undergraduates to act as mechanics maintaining our small bike fleet. Hopefully the University is close to a financial commitment to really get this program going. All last week we had consultants in Macon to help design a traffic engineering solution to link Mercer's campus and downtown Macon. I'm excited to report that this plan will include bike lanes.

I still have a post to write about our litter cleanup from over the weekend, but I can report that we now have quantitative proof that the neighborhood is significantly improved with respect to litter incivilities. It was a big success and there should be WMGT-NBC footage. I will post it when it becomes available.



Anonymous said...

You should keep both wheels on the ground doc.