Monday, April 27, 2009


One week it's a mild, almost chilly, spring, and the next week it's summer. So goes April in Georgia. Our windows are all open, and I can hear both the birds in the trees and the people on the street as I write. By four o'clock the second story will be a steamy 85, and we'll run the AC for an hour before the girls go to bed. I love this time of year in the South. Most people adore the early spring when every horizontal surface is covered with pollen and every bush and tree explodes with blossoms. I appreciate that time as well, but I suppose the reason this time of year resonates with me is that it so closely reminds me of July in northern Michigan.

We've been busy, hence no blogging. My parents came, Craig went to New Orleans, my brother, Paul, and his wife, Wendy, came, Craig returned, Paul, Craig and my dad enclosed the space below our deck to create an outdoor room, Paul and Wendy left, my parents left, and Craig and I spent a day landscaping. Whew. Throw into that mix Grace and Julia and we had a bit of chaos and a few alcohol infused late nights (courtesy of brother, Paul). The house is far too quiet now, and I feel the pang of loneliness that comes every time my family departs.

There's very little of interest to write. My current thoughts fall under the categories "ridiculous bragging" or "mind numbing minutia". In any case, nothing worth sharing.

Hope you all are well.


kathy.stadler said...

Dear Ellen,
There is nothing like family..
sounds like you had a great time.
We too have had happy
to have Chris & family & David..
and David is moving home for the
time being..
We miss Chris & his family already..
Memories are made from family.
God bless all. Love, Aunt Kathy