Saturday, October 10, 2009

The curse of finding potty humor funny.

Dear readers,

It has finally happened. Julia used the potty yesterday for completing both of her bodily waste excretory functions. Obviously this was a big day for the whole family. As it turns out Grace was pivotal to this major life event by guiding Julia to the right place at just the right time. However, Julia was not nearly as impressed as the rest of the family. In fact, Julia was horrified by the unsightly "gift" she was able to produce and leave in the little kiddie potty.

This got me thinking about how much urine and feces have become part my daily routine. Whether it's changing poopy diapers or washing out the kiddie potty (or cleaning the house toilets for that matter) it is almost always a job for daddy (as long as I am around). Julia requests specifically that I handle these jobs. I guess I am that good huh?

It's funny that for my whole life before children I was especially amused by humor that involved bodily functions. It would be hard for me to contain my laughter when someone made reference to bodily waste products. I think what I am experiencing now is the curse brought down upon children who grow into adults still finding such childish things full of humor. It's as if I am being told in some metaphysical way, "You think poop is so darn funny? Well how funny is it when you have to clean it off your childrens' buns, out of the bathtub, from the crib, the walls, etc..." When a tiny child is involved it can end up in many places. Not only this but it can show up at the most inopportune moments.

Here's to the myriad ways that our lives and personalities are changed by parenthood.


P.S. I don't think urine and feces are so funny anymore.


Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey said...

Congrats! I can't wait for the day Murdoch can do that! His poo is at this point disgusting and I usually gag while changing his diaper.