Monday, December 14, 2009

What I didn't do

1. hyperventilate
2. say anything inappropriate
3. turn bright red
4. or otherwise embarrass myself

What I did do
1. wake at 3:30 am
2. stay awake for the rest of the night
3. admit to my boss that I'm phobic about public speaking
4. found out that he is too

I also gave my presentation, and it wasn't as horrible as I imagined, and I did relax (as everyone told me I would). So what's next? The REAL presentation to the PRESIDENT of the University.

I think I'll pee my pants over that one.


Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

so happy the presentation went well and it will be just as good if not better for "el presidente" :)

kathy.stadler said...

You will do well with the President
too..we are very proud of you.
God bless you. Merry Christmas.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Michelle said...

I"m glad everything went well! I hate public speaking too!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!