Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Craig's Father Day Diversion

I will quickly go back to June 20 (Father's Day) to record a special memory of mine (sorry no pictures). While Ellen and Julia were taking care of a nap, Grace and I wanted some adventure near the campground. Fortunately there was a trailhead within a quarter mile from our campsite. Grace and I pulled a backpack together that included binoculars, first aid supplies, water, and snacks. We walked over to Soltafara Creek Trail and began our hike.

The weather was perfect, and the trail was nice and lonely. Because Soltafara Creek is nothing more than a creek cutting between two low ridges, there is not much to look at. This means no tourists. However, no tourists also means more wildlife which means big animals like bison may appear in the trail suddenly. This did not happen to us, but it was always a thought in the back of my mind. I wanted to see wildlife, but I did not want any emergency situations where I would have to entrust Grace to run back to camp while I grappled with (i.e., received a mauling from) a bear or bison.

We saw lots of bison fur stuck on trees, indicating they were around somewhere. We also found a big pile of bear scat with loads of fur in it. Later on we found a patch of fur stuck to a tree that was not from a bison. Grace and I both think it was from a grizzly bear, and so being young scientists we collected it to save in our cabinet of curiosities. Grace was trooper, just as I expected. We walked along the trail a ways without seeing anyone. As far as Father's Day goes, it was such a great way to spend my afternoon. All I could hear was the wind blowing in the trees and birds chirping. Those quiet moments of forest solitude may be my absolute favorite thing in the whole world. We probably went about 2 miles in one direction when we decided that we should turn around to head back to camp. Before we headed back however, Grace wanted to treat me to a special adventure she knew I would like.

She suggested we bushwack our way up to the top of one of the ridges to get a better view. She correctly assumed that I had wanted to be doing this all along. There were lots of dead trees that had fallen in the big fire from the late 80's. It was not easy travel, but we climbed up and over big pine trunks and around young trees until we found a nice spot to stop and enjoy nature before turning around. Grace was so proud of herself for coming up with this idea. She explained it was a present from her to me, so I could have a happy day. Well Grace, I had a lovely day with you, and I look forward to more wilderness adventures together. We made plans for our first backpacking trip when she gets older. Grace loves the idea of having all our stuff in a backpack that we get walk around the woods with. I like that idea too.


Anonymous said...

We were camping and hiking on Father's Day, too! Great dads think alike. And, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Grace and Greta would have the best time EVER playing in the woods together! We need to make that happen.

mcm said...

What a great story! And a priceless memory for both of you. Needless to say, I'm extremely impressed with Grace. Are you sure that SHE wouldn't have stayed to grapple with wild beasts while you high-tailed it back to camp?