Thursday, October 14, 2010

you talkin' to me?

Okay, where were we?

Out west.

Oh. Well, we haven't been there for four months. This blog is seriously out of date.

Uh, Yeah.

I've been busy?


Well, yes and no. I just haven't had anything to write about.

Hmm. Grace cutting her hair. Your birthday. A weekend with your sister. Your upcoming trip to Austria and Germany. Nothing to write about, you say.

Yup. Nothing here.

Well, snap to it missy. At a minimum I expect some pictures of your trip to Europe.

Okay, okay. Camera packed. You'll see pictures once we're home.

Give me a date.

October 26th. Happy now.



kathy.stadler said...

Congratulations! Have a great vacation! Craig, Your great great great grandpa Michael Firsich on Helen's side came from Germany(Bavaria, Alsace Lorrain) He was a doctor. Salzburg Austria is home of Sound of Music(one of my favorites).
The scenery will be beautiful!
Enjoy!God bless all. Love,Aunt Kathy

mcm said...

Upcoming trip to Austria & Germany???? We ARE out of touch (not your fault -- you, after all, have a blog).