Friday, January 7, 2011

What is love?

[Modified on Saturday morning]

Love is changing one's flight, catching the redeye, and coming home one day early after a long week away.

Love is trying to change one's flight, catch the redeye, and come home one day early after a long week away.

The week didn't actually get long until today, which is always the case when Craig leaves town. I'm usually okay up until the last 48 hours and then the house/kids/self fall apart. Julia has infected eyes. Grace looks like she's coming down with another bug (three days into the semester), and I'm simply bone tired. It's not the end of the world (obviously), but still my smile almost broke Skype when Craig told me his plan.

And I'm still smiling despite the fact his plan didn't work. He'll be home Sunday as scheduled, and we'll make the best of our day in the meantime.

I'm spoiled, and I don't care. Also, did you notice, hmm hmm, we're back.


Rebecca said...

It's nice to know that we're not the only family that gets this way when Daddy is away. The last time Chris went out of town, Noah was sick, I was recovering from being sick, and I felt like a prisoner in my home. He has often changed flights to get home a few hours or a day early, but yes, you are right - that is love :).

Love the look of the blog. It is CUTE!

Ellen said...

Thanks, Rebecca. He's managed to get on a slightly earlier flight, so I should see him tonight before I crash. We're all a little cranky around here....

I think I like the new template. It's a lot easier to modify than the last one. I hate having to go into the original code and change things around--especially since I don't know XML or CSS all that well. Now if I can just motivate myself to post more often.......

kathy.stadler said...

I remember the days that Dick was away when the kids were is a very tough thing.
I will be glad to hear that Craig is home .
Distance can make the heart grow fonder.
God bless all. Love, Aunt kathy