Monday, February 14, 2011

Still here, really

It's just that I've been wearing the same pants and shirt for a week, and even though you can't see me, I was embarrassed.

The reason for same pants? We have been re-doing our bathroom (and thankfully we're almost finished). We hoped to reset the toilet last night, but it just didn't seem like a good idea at 11pm, after a full day of laying tile. I give it three more days (which really means nights when Craig is home) and we will be done. So hooray for us.

Now why did we decide to do this? Well, because the yahoos who rehabbed our house didn't seal the toilet properly and we had rotten floors. Yuck. Don't get me started. Once we ripped up the floor it seemed like a good idea to repaint, and once we repainted it seemed like a good idea to change fixtures. You get the idea. In the end we turned something unhappy into happy, and for that I'm thrilled (if you hadn't noticed it had been a little bit grouchy around these parts). Pictures to come.

Oh and Happy Valentine's Day, the holiday best celebrated by those under the age of ten.