Why I choose the holidays to tackle house projects is, what's the word, oh yeah, stupid. Somehow the holidays fill me with the energy I lack at any other time of the year to redecorate or just plain decorate for the first time. Again, it really makes no sense and is, in fact, irrational.
Craig attributes this to some grand vision I have of Christmas. I wish that were the case. I think it has everything to do with the fact that I will have people in my house, and I don't want it to look like "toddlers gone wild". That's a tall order since Grace tends to deposit (or drop or throw) clothes, used bits of paper, play dough, dolls, balls, musical instuments, and the like all around the house. I feel like Charlie Brown, and she is Pig-Pen. I face an uphill battle. I should admit defeat now, drink a bottle of wine, and enjoy the holidays in a dirty, sticky, smelly house. Amen.
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