My blogging friend Sydney nominated me for an award, woo-hoo. Two and a half years of blogging, and this is a first for me! Now I get to pass it on.
But first, some rules. Once an award is received, do the following (if you want to play along):
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog
Here's my list:
1. Jordan Jamboree: This is the blog of my real life friend, Ani. We met nearly two years ago, just weeks after her second son, Alex, was born. Being midwestern girls, we immediately hit it off. She is my back-up for just about anything, and our kids, especially Grace and Evan, are absolutely mad for eachother.
2. A Day in the Life of the Suthersons: This is my friend Sarah's blog. I have written about my affection for Sarah before. She is one awesome mama, and her little man, Murdoch, is too stinking cute.
3. A Beautiful Uterus: This blog is written by a real life friend who wants to remain anonymous. Emma chronicles her journey through infertility on her blog, and her story is equal parts heart wrenching and heart warming.
4. Mean Mommy: I found Mary through Sarah. Her blog is pee-your-pants funny as she writes about her life with three kids.
5. My Cancer Deployment: Read this blog. Brigita writes about her treatment for rectal cancer with aplomb. This is one funny women who faces cancer head on and with attitude.
*6. Flotsam: "Deplorable solipsism? The new face of literature? Or merely a clever procrastination device…" Alex'a tagline says it best. This is a hugely popular blog (and by hugely, I mean thousands of readers). Her readership speaks to the strength of her writing.
*7. Suburban Bliss: Melissa also writes a hugely popular blog. She's another Michigander, and I love her writing.
*I, being a mere mortal blogger, will not actually be contacting Melissa or Alexa about their nomination. They are truly big-league bloggers and exceptionally Brilliant. I read them daily--or rather as often as they post--and you should too.
Thanks for the nomination! That is great. I feel like I am just writing but it is good to know that your life and thoughts affect someone else - hopefully in a positive note. I need to get back on the blogging! I have a ton of pictures and videos - I need that all to be wireless. Oh well. Shopping tonight - I have a bachelorette party to give on Saturday and I am way behind! Talk to you soon. Enjoy the time with your parents.
I second the thanks, Ellen! I have a quite a few posts in the hopper I'm trying to get up, but as soon as I can I will link back to your blog and nominate some fellow bloggers. Your kids are adorable, by the way, and your writing is great!
I much-belated thanks for the shoutout, Ellen. I apologize for the oversight and will spare you the weak litany of apologies, but know that I sincerely appreciate you as one of the few readers of my blog that I don't know in real life that doesn't drive me NUTSO. ;)
hope you're having a great week and enjoying your summer with your family!
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