Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A lot about nothing

1. We're leaving in two days to attend a wedding in New Hampshire. I just checked the weather report for the wedding location, and I realized that I'm going to freeze my heiny off. You laugh. You think that woman was raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, she must be joking. But I'm not. Our thermostat is set at 80 (because I hate paying 400 per month for electricity), and I'm quite comfortable at that temperature. I hope I don't turn blue on the mountain top and ruin the ceremony.
Totally invalid now. In the morning the forecast was for high 50's, now it's 75. Go figure.

2. How is it that my cat can dump pawfuls of litter on the kitchen floor (which is quite a distance from the litter box)? He doesn't have thumbs. I don't get it.

3. Craig and I desperately need a night out. Without our kids. True, we aren't taking our kids to the wedding, but a wedding doesn't qualify as a date in my book.

4. Kindergarten is finally, after nearly 7 weeks, getting better.

5. I've decided to grow my hair out. I could do short hair ten years ago. I was much cuter then. Now I have so much gray that my hair is overly frizzy, and I'm never going to be patient enough to flat iron it ever day. With length I can always put it up.

6. Having movie channels mysteriously show up on our cable is not good for me. I watched three movies with Christian Bale yesterday. Oh dear. Dammit.

7. In case you haven't been watching the weather in Macon, we have been saturated with rain. I'm talking 20 inches in some areas, all within a span of a week. One of the few redeeming qualities about our location is the continuous sunshine. No sun makes me cranky. I could never live in the Pacific Nothwest--that is unless a vampire were to seduce me.

8. Tacos de carne asada taste good--especially when my husband makes them and cleans up afterwards.

9. I have three zits. Why do I still break out? I can't even blame pms.

10. I won't post again until we're home. I'll try to remember to take my camera--that way you'll have proof of me freezing my heiny off.


The Jordan Family said...

Although I could comment on everything (like #8 is making me hungry just reading about it), here are my top three comments:

Regarding #1: Have a great time! Enjoy the low-humidity air. I'm jealous.

#4 - Awesome. I'm thrilled for you guys and I can't wait to chat about it.

#9: me too. one just appeared yesterday. I'm chalking it up to stress. or getting sick. or both.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't rain ALL year in the Pacific Northwest! I mean, there's sun for like, three or four months, right? Isn't there? Seriously.

Don't knock it til you try it, Ellen! Lots of people don't even HAVE A/C there! Think of all the money you'd save. :)

Have a great trip - I think a wedding totally counts as a date (though I guess it kinda depends on the wedding)!


Cristin said...

I hope you can manage to enjoy your little bit of kid free time.

I'm growing my hair out too... to my shoulders now.. and gray and frizzy. I'm gonna be a crazy looking old lady someday.

Christian Bale = yum.

Ellen said...


You're right. I probably could more than tolerate the NW--I just don't think I'll ever get the chance. At least full least we'll have a place to crash when we go.

Ellen said...

Zits should not happen for people in their mid 30's. This is entirely too cruel.

At least I have Christina Bale to make me feel better.

kathy.stadler said...

Enjoy your time in New Hampshire..
Loon Mountain is nice..we were
there years ago..
As for zits..I have even had
them in my 60's..crazy..think
maybe stress related..crazy!
Laugh and have fun!
God bless all. Love, Aunt Kathy

Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey said...

I am wearing a strapless dress so I will be freezing as well. I can't wait to see you guys.

I think you should make it a date weekend! You guys should have Friday night to yourselves.

Give me a call when you land.

Anonymous said...

I was so focused on the Pacific NW that I forgot to comment on Christian Bale. I think maybe he should be illegal.

And, be NEVER know where you'll end up. Anywhere is a possibilty until you decide to eliminate it! And yes, you always have a place to crash.

Have a great trip,

Sydney said...

I hope you guys enjoy your time at the wedding. We just did a date night this past weekend and it was heavenly! And all we did was go out for dinner and enjoy adult conversation. Its the little things, really.