Monday, February 22, 2010

My days

Wake. Sometimes with the help of children. Sometimes not. Instruct older child to dress self. Stumble down stairs in search of coffee. Eat. Drink Coffee. Instruct older child to 1) Eat; 2) Brush teeth; and 3) Brush hair. Dress younger child. Say goodbye to older child and husband. Wash and dress self. Flat iron hair, sigh. Take younger child to school. Return home. Clean kitchen. Walk to meeting on campus or other location. Return home. Write. Think. Drink more coffee. Do load of laundry. Write more. Send many emails. Drive to pick up younger child. Return home. Eat lunch. Read books. Put child to sleep. Check email. Navel gaze. Wake younger child. Walk to older child's school for pick up. Walk home with all children. Snack. Homework. Make dinner. Eat dinner. Talk to husband. Give children baths. Read books. Put children to bed. Do all work related stuff not accomplished earlier. Watch Olympics. Go to Bed.

Rinse and repeat.

What's your day like?


Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

very similar... just with some therapy and doctor appts thrown in. today i am steam cleaning the family room carpet because, as mike says, i have a nose that should be put to work in a crime lab and the smell of maddie is getting to me. the reason i HAVE to do it right now is because when i was getting whitney dressed after therapy this a.m. somehow when she was just in her diaper and the angle i was holding her legs, she went to the bathroom and her diaper leaked a little bit and now with my crime lab nose, i can smell urine and i can't stand that, especially mixed in with the smell of dog. i am actually checking blogs while i let some carpet spray sit on the area, because after steam cleaning the spot, i swear i could still smell it!!!! sorry for the gross description. enjoy your day of "rinsing and repeating" :)

Ellen said...

omg Laura, crime lab nose here too. It kills Craig.

Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey said...

I am impressed that the day included a flat iron! :)

mcm said...

So, sounds to me like you get quite a lot done. Is it the routine that you find disturbing? Routine is good! NOBODY talks to their spouses about anything other than work/kids on a regular basis -- that's the up-side of being married! You don't have to entertain each other all the time! Do you think that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (who you resemble, except that you have better lips) chat about anything but the kids?
your contrarion friend mary, who is also convinced that the glass is half full...