Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Almost Outta Here

I've been packing for two days. My brain is fried. My kids are fried. I just caught Julia drawing on the wall, and all I could muster was, "kid, did you really need to do this? Mommy is in the packing zone." I cannot be bothered with other things, like drawing on the wall or feeding children. Leaving for five weeks is kind of a big deal, and it's stretched my brain to capacity. I wake in the middle of the night thinking of additional things to tell the housesitter. As I told my mom, my lists have given birth to lists, and now I have grandlists and great-grandlists. But it's almost done. We're almost outta here.

I wish I could say that I'll blog from the road, but I don't want to make that promise. It's enough that I've packed my camera. My computer is being stored. Our goal is to upload photos from Craig's computer, but even that may be a stretch. If by chance photos do make it online, you can look for us on Flickr.

Hope everyone is having a good summer. See you back here in July.


Rebecca said...

Packing is SUCH a drag. Take heart that soon you'll be done packing and making your way to the Wild West on the adventure of a lifetime (or something like that). I get crazy bitchy when I'm packing and the whole family knows to stay out of my way when I'm in the zone.

Have a safe trip!

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

sorry we missed talking with you on julia's birthday... sounds like a FUN day :) also - i can NOT even imagine packing for a 5WEEK trip!!!!! hopefully all is almost ready to go - can't wait to hear all about your travels either while you are on the road or when you make it to Indiana!!! best of luck and hopefully you can catch up a little on sleep in the car since you have been up in the middle of the night thinking of things you need for the trip!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! Have a great trip..
hopefully you can relax after the mega packing job..Great job!
Have fun. God bless all.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey said...

I hate packing! I hope you guys have an awesome trip! I will miss you and your posts. Can't wait to see some pictures and hear the stories.