Thursday, February 3, 2011


Perhaps my attempt at humor was a little harsh. I had a day filled with Macon moments (no, you don't want to know what those are), so I wasn't in the best place mentally. No worries. We have a good life, I'm aware, but there are days when I wish for something different (don't we all).

So back to humor. Here's another blast from the past. I do believe this picture shows the last time I wore a halter top (thank goodness). Also notice, my fly is down. Believe it or not, I still have that panda (and no, it does not rest on my bed, it's stuffed in a closet). Talli also noted in a previous comment that Grace and I look A LOT alike. Grace should thank me that I don't cut her hair like a boy's (I haven't forgiven my mother yet). A Dorothy Hammil wasn't a good look for any girl in my generation.

Boomer and Panda


The Vanderhoek Clan said...

Classic! The Dorothy Hammill is way cuter than The Mullet which I sported in every childhood photo :)

kathy.stadler said...

Grace does look like you, sweet..precious picture !
God bless all. Love,auntKathy