Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Signing Out

I imagine that this will be my last post for awhile. I will be bringing my computer with me to Michigan, but it's hard to say whether or not I will get the opportunity to connect. For our last vacation, I set up entries to post in my absence. Not happening this time.

I'm anxious to get on the road. With my parents relocation to Grand Haven, I haven't been able to see them as regularly as I like. I miss them. Everyone has a crazy family, or at least crazy family members, and mine is no exception. However, I happen to be quite comfortable with the Williams brand of crazy. It will be good to be home.


Sydney said...

You will be missed but enjoy your time with family. For the first time ever I will *not* be spending an extended amount of time with my parents (longer than a couple of hours) and I'm very sad about it.
Take lots of pictures, take lots of notes, and regale us with stories of your adventure when you get back!

Sarah, Andy, Murdoch, and Deucey said...

I will miss you and the posts! I hope you guys have an awesome relaxing with your family! We have a week with my parents next month in August - I am looking forward to it. Talk to you when you get back - looking forward to the pictures and stories.